2016-07-23 | Keola Beamer Keola Beamer’s Tunings for this Album C Wahine (C-G-D-G-B-E), also known as ‘Keola’s C’ for the songs Lei ‘Awapuhi, HePunahele No ‘Oe, Ku’uipo Ku’u Lei, Sweet Singing Bamboo, Medley: Ke Ali’i HuluMamo & Kimo Hula, Holo Wa’apa, Bali Ha’i & Stranger in Paradise, and Sanoe( electric ‘water’ guitar). C Mauna Loa (C-G-E-G-A-E) for ‘Alekoki. C Old Mauna Loa/Ni’ihau (C-G-C-G-A-D) for E Ku’u Morning Dew. C Major variation (C-G-C-G-D-E) for Winter Tide. F Wahine (C-F-C-G-C-E), also known as ‘Leonard’s F’ for the songs Slack Key Music Box, Roselani Blossoms, Au Kai, Medley: Ku’u Lei ‘Awapuhi Melemele & Pua BeStill, and Sanoe (steel string acoustic). ADV-03: Bali Hai & Stranger In ParadiseBEG-11: A Brief History of Slack Key GuitarADV-14: Ke Aliʻi Hulu Mamo & Kimo HulaADV-02: ʻAu KaiADV-09: Winter TideINT-12: Roselani BlossomsADV-22: Sweet Singing BambooINT-11: Pua Lililehua