2016-04-30 | kaliko kbeamer.com > Instruction > Intermediate Realm > This Lesson A gorgeous mele hoʻoipoipo (love song) by the legendary performer Kahauanu Lake and scholar Mary Kawena Pukui, Pua Lililehua translates as “sage blossom.” The song takes place in Oʻahu’s Pālolo Valley, where two suitors court a cherished sweetheart. One is a human being, the other a mo’o (ancient Hawai’i’s legendary dragon). As the third verse says, hilo paʻa ʻia ke aloha (love is bound fast), ‘a’ohe mea e hemo ai me aʻu ʻoe a mau loa (there’s nothing to separate you and me forever). My inspiration for this arrangement comes from the Kahauanu Lake version. I admire it very much. It’s so startlingly beautiful, a very advanced sound in its day, coming out of a great connection Kahauanu must have made. In tribute to the Kahauanu Lake Trio’s stunning vocal harmony, my arrangement features two guitars as in this recording from my CD, “Soliloquy – Ka Leo O Loko”. I have also included the tablature and music for solo guitar only especially for our members. After you have finished this piece, go on to Roselani Blossoms. Keola Beamer Lesson Resources Tuning: C Wahine “Keola’s C” (C-G-D-G-B-E) (jump to lesson) These resources are for members of kbeamer.com. Learn more and join now! Island Born Liner NotesBEG-11: A Brief History of Slack Key GuitarWooden Boat CDNews Archive 2016INT-27: Pua ʻĀhihiIsland Born CDINT-18: Mele KakahiakaINT-17: Ka Leileiona