2016-05-12 | kaliko kbeamer.com > Instruction > Advanced Realm > This Lesson Tuning: F Wahine or Leonards’s F (CFCGCE) Level: Advanced Introduction Kalena Kai was conceived in chant form, composed by King Liholiho in 1820 when he visited the moku (district) of Waialua for supplies before sailing to visit King Kaumuali’I on the island of Kaua’i. The poʻe kānaka (people) extended their loyalty, hospitality, and generosity to King Liholiho wherever he went in Waialua. Among those places was Mokulēʻia (an ahupuaʻa land division) where residents provided the king with taro, bananas, and other supplies. As a gesture of appreciation, King Liholiho composed this chant for the poʻe kānaka. Later as the years went by, this melody was added, attributed to Charles E. King. Playing with me on Kalena Kai for the recording “Wooden Boat” is my dear friend and excellent pianist/guitarist George “Keoki” Winston, who plays a wonderful second part. Please note that the tablature presented here is for one guitar only which is my performance on the record. After you have finished this piece, go on to Liʻi’s Song. Keola Beamer Lesson Resources Tuning: Leonard’s F / F Wahine (C-F-C-G-C-E) (Audio for Leonard’s F) These resources are for members of kbeamer.com. Learn more and join now! Kuamoʻo Battlefield PurchasedIsland Born Liner NotesBEG-11: A Brief History of Slack Key GuitarʻUkulele In Cambodia 2016News Archive 2016ADV-20: ʻOpihi MoemoeINT-18: Mele KakahiakaADV-14: Ke Aliʻi Hulu Mamo & Kimo Hula