2016-12-20 | Keola Beamer To help celebrate the holidays for our valued members, here is my sweet and easy-kine arrangement of “The Little Drummer Boy” for solo guitar. It is in my C (C Wahine) tuning. In this arrangement, the bass sustains underneath the upper voiced melody and serves the function as a sort of bass “drum” supporting the song. This is central to the arrangement. Be sure to sustain the bass on your instrument in a nice, long and luxurious manner. With practice, you’ll notice a sweet elegance here. This is an easy arrangement and fun to play. Please note that the audio of this piece is from my recording “Kahikina O Ka Hau – The Coming Of the Snow”. This is a multiple guitar rendition of the below Tab. In the recording, the primary second guitar was played by famed pianist (and guitarist! and my friend!) George Winston. I overdubbed additional guitars to add texture and motion. Be sure to enjoy this piece with your family and friends and maybe some eggnog! Mahalo Nui: Our thanks and aloha go to my hanai son, Jeff Peterson who graciously tabbed this for our members. Aloha Kalikimaka from kbeamer.com Lesson Resources Tuning: C Wahine “Keola’s C” (C-G-D-G-B-E) (jump to lesson) These resources are for members of kbeamer.com. Learn more and join now! News Archive 2016BEG-11: A Brief History of Slack Key GuitarINT-16: Hula Nā LāʻauʻUkulele In Cambodia 2016Island Born Liner NotesINT-18: Mele KakahiakaINT-17: Ka LeileionaNews Archive 2018