2016-09-09 | Keola Beamer Keola Beamer & his wife: Moanalani Beamer – Kumu Hula (Hula Source) present Mo’olelo (Story Telling) and Mele (Music) at its absolute finest. Hawaiian oral history informs us that this ancient story actually took place along the coast of Kahakuloa on the Island of Maui. PBS Hawaii flew an entire film crew to Kahakuloa to film at the exact place where the “Hula Mu’umu’u” was born. All this for a 30 second segment highlighting Moanalani’s hula. Mahalo nui, (Thank You) Michael Harris (Director), Robert Pennybacker (Producer) and PBS Hawaii. Note to our members: In this piece Keola’s guitar is tuned to Keola’s C or C Wahine. The choreography for this piece was created for Moanalani by Winona Kapuailohiamanonokalani Desha Beamer. Island Born Liner NotesBEG-11: A Brief History of Slack Key GuitarNews Archive 2018News Archive 2016Island Born CDNews Archive 2020ʻUkulele In Cambodia 2016INT-18: Mele Kakahiaka